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18R / 18R2 Universal Quick Guide
A universal quick guide for both the 18R manual, 18R2 Controller and 18M module.

18R Detailed User Guide
A detailed guide for the 18R manual remote and 18M module.

18R2 Controller Detailed User Guide
A detailed guide for the 18R2 Controller and 18M module.

18M LiPo Re-charge and Ext. Power User Guide
A detailed guide for the 18M LiPo re-charge battery pack and external 12-24V power input.

18R2 Controller Creating and Uploading Scripts
A detailed guide for creating and uploading scripts to the 18R2 Controller.

COBRA Error Code Reference Sheet
A listing of all Error codes and script error codes and suggested resolution.

18R2 Controller Example Script Template
A starting template for creating new 18R2 scripts manually using Microsoft Excel.
- Timed Events Only Example
- STEP Only Example
- STEP and Timed Events Example
- Timed Event with Audio Box Example
- Timed Event with Alternate Events
- Timed Event with Deadman
Please also find the following example scripts:
To download, right click link, then click "Save link as..."

Audio Box Detailed User Guide
A step-by-step guide for using the COBRA Audio Box.

Using the Wireless Reprogrammer
A step-by-step guide for using the COBRA wireless re-programmer.

18R/18R2 Kurzanleitung
Kurzanleitung für die Sendemodule 18R und 18R2, sowie das Empfängermodul 18M.

18R2 Bedienungsanleitung
Bedienungsanleitung für das Sendermodul 18R2 und Empfängermodul 18M.

18R2 Scipte erstellen und laden
Anleitung zum erstellen und laden von Scripten für das Sendermodul 18R2.

18R2 Fehler-Codes
Liste aller Fehler-Codes für das Sendermodul 18R2.

18R2 Beispiel-Script
Vorlage eines Scripts für das Sendermodul 18R2 in Microsoft Excel.
- Timed Events Only Example
- STEP Only Example
- STEP and Timed Events Example
- Timed Event with Audio Box Example
- Timed Event with Alternate Events
- Timed Event with Deadman
Please also find the following example scripts:
To download, right click link, then click "Save link as..."

Audio Box Detailliertes Handbuch
Eine Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung für die COBRA Audio Box.

Anleitung für den Wireless Reprogrammer
Genaue Anleitung für den COBRA Wireless Reprogrammer.

18R / 18R2 - Manuel d'utilisation rapide
Petit guide universel pour la télécommande manuelle 18R, la télécommande de scripts 18R2 et les modules 18M.

18R - Guide utilisateur
Un mode d'emploi détaillé de la télécommande manuelle 18R et des modules 18M.

18R2 - Guide utilisateur
Un mode d'emploi détaillé de la télécommande de scripts 18R2 et des modules 18M.

18R2 - Créer et importer des scripts
Un mode d'emploi détaillé pour créer et importer des scripts dans la 18R2.

18R2 - Codes d'erreurs
Liste de tous les codes d'erreurs de la 18R2 et solutions proposées.

18R2 - Exemples de scripts
Fichier Microsoft Excel de base permettant de créer manuellement de nouveaux scripts pour la 18R2.
- Timed Events Only Example
- STEP Only Example
- STEP and Timed Events Example
- Timed Event with Audio Box Example
- Timed Event with Alternate Events
- Timed Event with Deadman
Please also find the following example scripts:
To download, right click link, then click "Save link as..."

Audio Box - Guide utilisateur
La valise COBRA Audio Box est un lecteur MP3 qui fonctionne sans fil et qui permet de lire et de synchroniser la musique avec les feux d'artifice.

Utiliser le re-programmer sans fil
La valise COBRA Audio Box est un lecteur MP3 qui fonctionne sans fil et qui permet de lire et de synchroniser la musique avec les feux d'artifice.

18R / 18R2 Guía Rápida Universal
Una guía rápida universal para el 18R2 programable, 18R manual y módulos 18M.

Manual de Usuario 18R2
Manual de usuario completo para el remoto 18R2 y el módulo 18M.

Manual de Usuario 18R
Manual de usuario completo para el remoto 18R y el módulo 18M.

COBRA 18R2 Crear y Cargar Programaciones Automatizadas
Guía detallada para crear y cargar programaciones en el 18R2.

Guía de Códigos de Error en el 18R2
Listado de errores de programación y soluciones para el 18R2.

Plantilla de Programa para el 18R2
Una plantilla para comenzar a crear programas para el 18R2 con Microsoft Excel.
- Timed Events Only Example
- STEP Only Example
- STEP and Timed Events Example
- Timed Event with Audio Box Example
- Timed Event with Alternate Events
- Timed Event with Deadman
Please also find the following example scripts:
To download, right click link, then click "Save link as..."

Audio Box
Manual de usuario.

Using the Wireless Reprogrammer (English Only)
A step-by-step guide for using the COBRA wireless re-programmer.